# 匹配一行文字中所有开头的字母 import re s = 'i love you but you don\'t love me' # \b\m findall content = re.findall(r'\w\b', s) print(content) # 匹配一行文字中所有数字开头的内容 s1 = 'i 22love 33you 44but 5you don\'t66 7love 99me' # \d content = re.findall(r'\b\d', s1) print(content) # 匹配 只含数字和字母的行 s2 = 'i love you \n2222kkkk but \ndfefe23 you dont love \n23243dd' content = re.findall(r'\w+', s2, re.M) print(content) 二、写一个正则表达式,使其能匹配以下字符'bit','but','hat','hit','hut'
# 写一个正则表达式,使其能匹配以下字符'bit','but','hat','hit','hut' s3 = "'bit', 'bat', 'but', 'hat', 'hit', 'hut'" content = re.findall(r'...t', s3) print(content) 三、
# 提取电子邮件格式 s4 = """xxxxx@gmail.com xxxx@qq.com baidu.com 999.com jkjk@163.com""" content = re.findall(r'\w+@\w+.com', s4) print(content) 四、
# 使用正则提取字符串中的单词 s5 = "i love you not because who 233 of 890sdx not" content = re.findall(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\b', s5) print(content) 五、
# 使用正则提取字符串中的单词 s5 = "i love you not because who 233 of 890sdx not" #content = re.findall(r'\b[a-zA-Z]+\b', s5) #print(content)
content = re.match(r'[a-zA-Z]+\b', s5) content = re.search(r'^[a-zA-Z+\b]', s5) print(content.group())